Community Engagement: July 2022
Published on June 30, 2022Combat Rural Workforce Shortages
Essentia Health is proud to partner with Rainy River Community College (RRCC) in International Falls in working to address workforce shortages within the region. Over the last three years, 30 licensed practical nurses and 25 registered nurses graduated from RRCC. More than 40 of those graduates stayed in the region and are providing care to residents of Koochiching County. Pictured alongside Essentia Health leadership and RRCC leadership are graduates from the RRCC nursing program currently working at Essentia Health-International Falls Clinic.
Parade Season is Here
Essentia Health - Detroit Lakes colleagues and their families participated in the 86th Annual Northwest Water Carnival Parade. Essentia's ambulance led the way for the newly sponsored Essentia Health Zamboni!
The City of Deerwood celebrated their 150th anniversary with a parade and Essentia Health colleagues participated, promoting Essentia Health's new Deerwood Clinic opening Spring of 2023!
Volunteers in Action
Essentia Institute of Rural Health (EIRH) participated in United Way's Day of caring and cleaned up the green space outside of Great Lakes Aquarium in Duluth.
Essentia Health Employee Volunteers
Log your volunteer hours and learn more about the Together We Thrive employee volunteerism program!
Building Healthy Communities
Wherever you find Essentia Health, you’ll find people and programs dedicated to supporting local organizations, partnerships, and initiatives. Find out more on our Community Involvement page.