Community Engagement Monthly Report: December 2023
Published on January 08, 2024Colleagues across Essentia Health Give Back over the Holiday Season
Essentia Health/Mid Dakota colleagues and family members served food to over 175 people for The Banquet at the Dream Center Bismarck!

Population Health colleagues spent the United Way Day of Caring helping First Witness Advocacy Center in Duluth prepare for the opening of their new building!

Essentia Health Ada colleagues collected nearly 1,000lbs of food/household items for the Norman County Food Shelf!

Wahpeton Clinic staff raised funds to purchase items and a holiday meal for kids and families in the Wahpeton-Breckenridge Community!

Business Service Center Colleagues in Duluth collected items in need for Safe Haven Shelter and Resource Center!

Essentia Health Employee Volunteers
Log your volunteer hours and learn more about the Together We Thrive employee volunteerism program!