University of Minnesota MNCCTN023: The Role of Cytomegalovirus and Inflammation on Patient Symptoms and Outcomes in Ovarian Cancer


Cytomegalovirus (CMV), a widely prevalent virus in the general US population, has been shown to be associated with increased inflammation and mortality. Previous small pilot studies have demonstrated that latent CMV may be reactivated during chemotherapy in cancer patients, and may be associated with unfavorable cancer outcomes such as fatigue and increased mortality.

The central research idea for this study, supported by previous preliminary data, is that CMV reactivation is an unrecognized complicating factor in the treatment of ovarian cancer that impacts patient outcomes. The overarching goals of this observational study are:

To assess how CMV infection is associated with ovarian cancer symptoms over the course of the disease and its treatment.
To describe the relationship between CMV reactivation in ovarian cancer patients, survival, fatigue, and other QOL outcomes, both cross-sectionally and longitudinally.

Location: Essentia Health Cancer Centers

Research Study Categories


  • Gynecologic Cancer


Cancer Clinical Trials at 218-786-3308 or 844-681-7944, [email protected]


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