SWOG S0820: A Double Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Eflornithine and Sulindac to Prevent Recurrence of High Risk Adenomas and Second Primary Colorectal Cancers in Patients With Stage 0-III Colon or Rectal Cancer, Phase III - Preventing Adenomas of the Colon With Eflornithine and Sulindac (PACES)


The investigators hypothesize that the combination of eflornithine and sulindac will be effective in reducing a three-year event rate of adenomas and second primary colorectal cancers in patients previously treated for Stages 0 through III colon cancer.


Location: Essentia Health Cancer Centers

Research Study Categories


  • Gastrointestinal Cancer


Cancer Clinical Trials at 218-786-3308 or 844-681-7944, [email protected]


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