Essentia Health-Moose Lake Foundation hosting blood drive

January 21, 2025  By: Anthony Matt

Moose Lake Blood Donations

January is National Blood Donor Month. The Red Cross reports that someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion every two seconds. It is vital for cancer treatments, chronic illnesses and surgeries.

In an effort to ensure we can continue to meet the needs of our community, the Essentia Health-Moose Lake Foundation is hosting a blood drive from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27, at our hospital in Moose Lake, located at 4572 County Road 61.

Please make an appointment by signing up at (search sponsor code 3724). Interested participants also can contact Donna Kirk at (218) 485-5586 or [email protected].

To prepare for your blood-donation appointment, eat well, hydrate beforehand and bring a photo ID. Donors must meet minimum age and weight requirements and feel healthy and symptom-free from any illness. To learn more about blood donation requirements, please visit Memorial Blood Centers’ website

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