Essentia Health CEO Dr. David Herman begins role as chairperson of MHA board of directors

January 21, 2025  By: Anthony Matt

Dr. Herman, Minnesota Hospital Association

Essentia Health CEO Dr. David Herman is serving as chairperson of the Minnesota Hospital Association's (MHA) board of directors in 2025.

Through leadership, advocacy and collaboration, the MHA helps hospitals and health systems provide quality care across the state. Dr. Herman was selected by his peers to take over for Rachelle Schultz, president and CEO of Winona Health Services, as board chair. It’s a one-year appointment.

“I’m honored to partner with my colleagues from across the state on the important work of making health care better and more accessible for every Minnesotan,” Dr. Herman said. “The MHA serves a vital role in safeguarding the excellent care that’s available here, which is confronting numerous and significant challenges. Collectively, we can address those challenges through innovation and advocacy to ensure that the care our patients rely on is sustainable now and into the future.”

A native of International Falls, Dr. Herman joined Essentia in 2015. He serves on the board of trustees for Ronald McDonald House Charities and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. He’s been on the MHA board of directors since 2015.

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